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Mast Section Selection Guide 2024.06/20

#mast section

#standard section

#MC450  MC650 

#Shen Xi Group

mast sections are prefabricated steel structure units that serve as the main force-bearing components in the assembly and expansion of lifts and lifting platforms to adapt to different height and load requirements. The 450/500/650 single/double rack mast sections produced by Shenxi Machinery Co., Ltd. are high-quality products designed to adapt to harsh industrial environments and can improve the stability, safety, and work efficiency of lifts and lifting platforms.

Good quality mast sections must meet the following conditions: 

First, whether the mast section has good wildcarding properties. The universal nature of the mast section means it is compatible with different models or series of lifts, allowing for quick assembly and expansion. Unified interfaces and dimensions ensure interchangeability between different lifting platforms, and the height of the lift can be quickly adjusted as needed in different projects. It allows flexible use in a variety of construction scenarios without the need to design separate mast sections for each type of lift, thereby reducing costs and improving construction efficiency.

Second, whether the mast section is smooth and delicate. If it is, it is generally relatively sophisticated, and all aspects of processing and production are in place, and such standards are indispensable.

Third, whether the connection is good, whether each connection is flexible and smooth. If there is rust or the connection points are slow, it is best not to buy such a standard joint. Generally, such a standard joint has been in stock for a long time and lacks maintenance and upkeep, so you should pay attention to it when choosing a standard join.





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