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Daily maintenance of mast climbing work platform 2021.12/15

Routine maintenance of mast climbing work platform is essential to prolong the service life of the equipment. The basic method of daily maintenance is summarized as "Ten word operation method", namely:

Lubrication, tightening, adjustment, cleaning and anti-corrosion.


The mechanical structure includes but is not limited to motors, reducers, fall arresters, cranes, etc., and must be properly maintained. Mechanical failures caused by improper maintenance are not covered by the equipment's warranty.


Mast Climbing Work Platforms' Applications

Facade work

Bricklaying Plastering

Balcony work

Window installation Bridge work


Advantages of Mast Climbing Work Platform

1) Rapid erection and dismantling

2) Can work up to heights more than 150m

3) Convenient working without obstructions from scaffold tubes or fittings

4) Time and cost savings up to 40%

5) Platform covers can be added for extra comfort

6) The length and width of the platforms can be adapted to different situations


Are you in need of a safe and reliable solution for high-altitude construction and maintenance work? Look no further! Our company is a leading manufacturer of top-quality mast climbing work platforms (MCWP).

Our platforms are designed with safety as the top priority, featuring durable materials, adjustable height, and a stable working surface. With our MCWP, you can be confident that your workers will be able to perform their tasks with ease and safety.

What's more, our platforms are flexible and easy to install, so you can be up and running in no time. And with our extensive experience and expertise, we are able to provide you with customized solutions to meet your specific needs.

So why wait? Choose our MCWP and elevate your construction and maintenance work to new heights! Contact us today to learn more.






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