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Temporary suspended platform (TSP) 2023.02/10

A temporary suspended platform, also known as a suspended scaffold or swing stage, is a type of platform used for external building maintenance and construction work. The platform is suspended from a building or structure using ropes, cables, or steel poles, and it provides a safe and stable working surface for workers to access high areas for repair, cleaning, or other tasks.

Some key features of temporary suspended platforms include:

Adjustable height: The platform height can be adjusted to reach various levels of a building or structure.

Mobility: The platform can be moved horizontally along the building or structure, allowing workers to access different areas.

Load capacity: The load capacity of a suspended platform varies, but it is typically designed to support multiple workers and equipment.

Safety features: Temporary suspended platforms are equipped with safety features such as guardrails, fall arrest systems, and emergency stop buttons.

Ease of installation: Suspended platforms are typically designed for quick and easy installation and can be set up in a short amount of time.

It's important to note that suspended platforms must be properly installed, maintained, and inspected to ensure safe operation. The use of temporary suspended platforms is subject to local regulations and building codes, and it is important to follow these guidelines to ensure safe and compliant operation.

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